No two companies have the same needs, and no single packaging system can solve all of them for everyone. This is why PMI KYOTO specializes in developing custom packaging machines to provide solutions for a wide variety of requirements.

No two companies have the same needs, and no single packaging system can solve all of them for everyone. This is why PMI KYOTO specializes in developing custom packaging machines to provide solutions for a wide variety of requirements. Our specialty packaging equipment is designed to fit into each client’s operations perfectly, delivering the versatility and performance needed to ensure success.

Our deep understanding of multiple industries’ unique challenges and engineering expertise give us the ability to deliver custom packaging systems that integrate with your existing setup and maximize efficiency. PMI KYOTO can design and implement a specialty container system that’s just right for you.


Whether you’re looking for a custom food packaging company, a pro with experience in pharmaceuticals, or a partner who knows personal care products, we have you covered. We create custom vertical cartoners, tray packers, and more that serve a number of functions across different market segments. No matter what the job calls for, you can depend on our exceptional engineering and design capabilities to develop the right machine to get it done with efficiency and simplicity.

If you want to learn more about our complete range of solutions, get in touch with one of our knowledgeable representatives or schedule a demo with us today.

Editor’s note: Client’s existing content favors using the Oxford comma.
